Several weeks ago the Winston-Salem Journal did an article on the decline of Lexington's population and how it has "rocked" the committee. The article as a whole did not send a positive message about Lexington.
Since the article I have been sending letters to the editors of the WS Journal inviting them to Lexington for a tour of our Uptown area. We have had several new businesses open and numerous businesses that this town has never seen. I wanted to introduce them to the a couple of the entrepreneurs in this community as well as send out a positive message about my hometown.
Well -- the editors responded and yesterday I was able to tour them through Uptown. After the tour, I arranged a lunch for the paper to have a Q&A with several of the new business owners making a difference in this current economic climate.
Once the article is published I will link it in the blog. Let's continue building a better Lexington, together.
Dearest Newell,
ReplyDeleteWe heard about the luncheon, and we were hurt that we were not included to participate.
You "handpicked" who you wanted represented, and it was old businesses as well as a few new ones. That much we know.
It is the "exclusiveness" that holds Lexington back. If you are not
part of the "click" your out..
We own an art gallery, represent over 67 artists. Most of them local. We also do fine art framing, and Tom is Bob Timberlake's and Dempsey Essicks "exclusive" printer which is also a big draw here. No one in Winston or Greensboro or HIghpoint have what we have added to the town, but hey. No mention what so ever.. W.WOW.
The one thing that hurts a small town like this one is people not working together, not being represented, and being left out in the cold. More people should have sat at that table. A not so good political move..
Thank you.
Andrea Renee Hall
106 South Main Street
Lexington, North Carolina 27292
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear about your disappointment about not being included in the article; however, it seems you are not aware of what was the intended focus of this article.
Several weeks ago the Winston-Salem journal published a front page article about Lexington's population decrease, the "aging" population and how it has "rocked" our community.
I simply responded to the editors through several letters requesting that they travel to Lexington and tour our Uptown area and see what is really happening here.
They did respond and they (the paper) decided to do an article to counter their previous article. They wanted to feature the Young Leadership Forum of Davidson County (a civic organization that I chair) and new businesses.
Again, I am sorry about your disappointment; however, this was not an intended "political move," a "handpicked" process, nor was there any "exclusiveness" intended by YLF (Young Leadership Forum). We were responding to the paper’s request and glad to see the journal coming to our community to do a positive article on our city.
I would be glad to talk to your further and even discuss possibilities to promote your business. I have been and continue to be one of the biggest advocates for my hometown and I have also been inclusive with my community work.
Let's be glad that we have someone working to get any positive press for our community, no matter who it is about.
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ReplyDeleteDear Newell,
ReplyDeleteI am grateful that you stopped by the gallery today, and we took an opportunity to really talk openly about a misunderstanding. It was really worth it!
I believe the Young Leadership Forum is important. And I wanted to thank you for taking great strides in providing leadership, and linking both business and community together here in Lexington. I know it is a steady challenge, but a good one.
The article that inspired you to contact the editors also included a statement that Thomasville was a more progressive town and community then Lexington, North Carolina. We know that that is just mis-information.
I have artists from Thomasville who don't display there because there is only one art gallery, and it's always closed. And it's exclusively one artist show only. Lexington has so much more going for it, and the merchants here are just a great group of people. All of them, and there are many. So many to make a difference. And they have, and we are proud. That's all I wanted to say to the Winston Salem Journal.
When we first started renovations on our building, I got an opportunity to walk into just about every single establishment here. I talked to folks, and later on when the renovations were almost completed, we threw a big party for the town to meet our artists. It was a great night for Tom and myself. One we will remember, forever!! I can't believe it was five years ago. Time passes quickly.
Newell, you are a good person, doing good things. So keep up the good work, and it was a pleasure talking with you again.
If you need us, just call. We will be glad to share what we do here and convince anyone that Lexington is anything but a sleepy little town!!
Best regards,
Andrea Renee Hall
Gallery Hall
Lexington, NC
Andrea & Tom Hall