Welcome to the official blog for Newell Clark, Lexington, NC Mayor. This site is paid for and supported by Citizens for Newell Clark.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thank you to the School Systems Educators

I wanted to thank the Lexington City Schools NEA organization for hosting a candidates forum tonight at the Senior High. The forum gave all candidates a chance to speak on their views for the city and any plans they have to better the community. After each presentation the candidates were apart of a Q&A. Not all candidates attended; however, the forum was a great chance for the candidates that did attend to showcase their plans.
Thank you again to the educators of the Lexington City School system. I was glad to be apart of this forum and I look forward to continuing to support the school system and our children.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Educational Forum

This Saturday, August 27th, all candidates (mayor and city council) have been invited to an educational forum hosted by the Lexington City Schools chapter of NEA. Each candidate will be given 5 minutes to speak on their views and possible plans for public education. This will be followed by an audience Q&A.
If you feel education is as important to our future, as I do, you should plan on attending to hear what the candidates have to say about our childrens futures.

Educational Forum
Lexington High School
Saturday, August 27th
5:00pm - 8:00pm

Mark your calendar! Election day, November 8th.

Be Apart of Your City's Direction.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What is the difference?

As the campaign is now in full swing, with the filing closed and candidates now putting up their signs. I have been energized to see such a response from citizens willing to serve and help their community move forward.
What I am now looking forward to, is hearing the issues. I have been meeting and talking to citizens for some time now and the response has been great, especially when they hear my plan and vision for our future.
Sure I am a candidate, however, I am also a citizen and voter. Thus, I am looking forward to hearing what plan of action, vision and ideas all the candidates have to offer. As well as seeing their ability to be able to reach those goals.

WS Journal Article

I wanted to thank the Winston-Salem Journal for responding to my letters requesting that they take a look at our community and counter a previous negative article about our town. Thank you, Journal, for telling the positive side about our city and featuring a group of hard worker young leaders in Lexington.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Carolina Cancer Services -- Thank you.

I wanted to thank the Carolina Cancer Services for asking me to help with their fund raising event the past Friday. Your idea of a chef battle, a la "Iron Chef" was fun and unique for this area, very creative. I hope the event was a wonderful success for your organization, thank you for letting me be apart. Vanessa Lanier, executive chef from Sapona, was this years winner as scored by the judges and audience - Congrats to Vanessa. Her shrimp dish photo is included here.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Winston-Salem Journal to Features Local Entreprenuers

Several weeks ago the Winston-Salem Journal did an article on the decline of Lexington's population and how it has "rocked" the committee. The article as a whole did not send a positive message about Lexington.
Since the article I have been sending letters to the editors of the WS Journal inviting them to Lexington for a tour of our Uptown area. We have had several new businesses open and numerous businesses that this town has never seen. I wanted to introduce them to the a couple of the entrepreneurs in this community as well as send out a positive message about my hometown.
Well -- the editors responded and yesterday I was able to tour them through Uptown. After the tour, I arranged a lunch for the paper to have a Q&A with several of the new business owners making a difference in this current economic climate.
Once the article is published I will link it in the blog. Let's continue building a better Lexington, together.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Clark to judge Carolina Cancer Services cook-off

Carolina Cancer Services is having an "Iron-Chef" type of cook-off and I have been asked to judge. Many of you may be aware that I am a certified BBQ judge, licensed by the Kansas City BBQ Society. We will not be judging BBQ, but this should be fun. Come out and help raise some money for Carolina Cancer Services. The event is at Sapona County Club on Saturday, August, 13th - 5:30 until 9:30. See the article below -

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Signs, Signs, everywhere there's signs. . .

I wanted to say "thank you" to all of the businesses that have been showing their support for me and my campaign by putting a sign up in their store fronts. It is truly a commitment to show a sign of support; however, it is your right and your freedom of speech to do so. I have been humbled by the citizens show of support and for this I say, thank you. Your commitment to me only makes me want to work harder to better our community. Let's continue to show signs of commitment to better our community together.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

National Night Out

Last night I joined several of my volunteers and friends to walk Lexington's Main Street for National Night Out. This is a national celebration for our public safety officials, ie police and fire. Thank you to all the men and women that make our lives safe through their hard work. Also a thank you to Chief Lollis (police) and Chief Hartley (Fire) for their work, their departments and officers.