Welcome to the official blog for Newell Clark, Lexington, NC Mayor. This site is paid for and supported by Citizens for Newell Clark.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BBQ Cook-off is here!

Lexington's 2nd annual BBQ Cook-off is coming this Friday and Saturday and again will be a KCBS event, hosted by Uptown Lexington, Inc.

Last year I was able to judge and I am again scheduled to judge this year. Everyone come out and enjoy great BBQ and family fun.  I'll see you Uptown in our Depot District for the Cook-off, we will also be hosting the season finale of PitMasters from TLC.

>> Dispatch Article

>> Pit Masters coming to Lexington

Friday, April 13, 2012

Congratulations to Mr. Watson

Congratulations to Bubba for his win at the Master's this past weekend.

Citizens from across the country congratulate you and your family for the recent success. We all wish you continued success and know that we always welcome you back to Lexington anytime.

**photo at the right: Bubba's recent visit to Cafe 35

Congrats!! BTW - Awesome shot.

Lexington Medical Announces Rehab Center

Congratulations to Lexington Medical Center and the Hospital Foundation for their work on th newly announced Rehab Center.

This will be a great addition to what our community hospital. In terms of Rehab for our citizens, this is outstanding and will be a state-of-the-art center.

**photo at right: Donnie Roberts/The Dispatch

Thank you to Donnie Lambeth, the management team, Sara DeLapp and the Foundation for all of their work in making this possible.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Veteran Housing Project for Lexington

I continue to ask the council and community to look for opportunites to be as Veteran Friendly as we can be as a community.

Congratulations to Mr. Gerald and the Lexington Housing Authority for working on and providing affordable housing for our Veterans.

See the article link: